HANAMI aims at supporting and fostering joint scientific teams to improve the performance and transferability of European and Japanese HPC applications by leveraging the skills and expertise of the scientific community within Europe and Japan. A central aspect is the user-driven development of HPC applications in relevant research areas. The existing joint activities between the European …


The DISCOVER-US project aims to (i) Strengthen long-term collaboration between the EU and the US by creating networking and collaboration opportunities to promote cooperation on new concepts and visions for the computing continuum, distributed computing and swarm intelligence. (ii) Facilitate brokerage events for on-going and future work streams in EU and US projects addressing the …


The HPC SPECTRA project addresses two timely challenges of EuroHPC JU’s training strategy: developing an innovative EuroHPC Training Platform and co-organising the International HPC Summer School (IHPCSS) editions of 2024 and 2025. Through these actions, the project: provides an intuitive gateway to a comprehensive database of European HPC training activities; sustain the successful series of …


The amount of data gathered, shared and processed in frontier research is set to increase steeply in the coming decade, leading to unprecedented data processing, simulation and analysis needs. In particular, the research communities in High Energy Physics and Radio Astronomy are preparing to launch new instruments that require data and compute infrastructures several orders …


The project encourages collaboration, exchange of knowledge between HPC practitioners, expertise and best practices between Participating States and the mapping of skills and competences across Europe to support cohesion and a more consistent level of expertise across Europe. In this next phase of the project, the CASTIEL 2 project also takes on an additional role of …


EUMaster4HPC is composed of European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial partners with the mission of defining a joint curriculum in HPC across Europe, defining the body of knowledge to master the HPC field and creating a collaborative network leveraging and strengthening the European ecosystem in HPC. EUMaster4HPC will develop a higher education programme to: Educate …