Handbook of European HPC projects


Exploring Manycore Architectures for Next- GeneratiOn HPC systems

MANGO project has been focused on designing and building a large-system prototype for efficient exploration of future HPC manycore architectures including CPU cores, GPU cores and FPGA/HW Accelerator cores.

The prototype embeds highly heterogeneous accelerators in a common infrastructure (a network) which provides 3P design approach (Performance/Power/Predictability) to the applications.

MANGO is deploying all the software stack (at both server side and accelerator side) to let users easily adapt and port their applications to new emerging scenarios with multitude of highly heterogeneous accelerators. For all components an API and the resource manager are provided. MANGO system also includes innovative cooling techniques using termoshypons.

Final MANGO prototype offers versatile exploration platform for future HPC system architectures as well as HPC HW/SW building components to be possibly included in future commercial designs.

The MANGO prototype


José Flich


Coordinating Organization:
Universitat Politècnica de València UPV, Spain

Project Timespan
2015-10-01 – 2019-03-31

Other Partners:
  • CeRICT – Centro Regionale Information Communication Technology scrl, Italy
  • UNIZG-FER Sveučilište u Zagrebu – Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Croatia
  • POLIMI – Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • EPFL – Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Pro Design Electronic GmbH, Germany
  • Eaton Corporation, France
  • Thales SIX GTS France SAS, France
  • Philips Medical Systems Nederland BV, Netherlands