Handbook of European HPC projects


Centre of Excellence on Performance Optimization and Productivity

The Centre of Excellence on Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP CoE) was initiated in October 2015. The current project, Performance Optimization and Productivity 3 (POP3), is articulated in 3 main pillars: services, users, and co-design.

The key element to ensure efficient use of HPC infrastructures is to optimize the performance and efficiency of the applications. POP services mainly focus on performance assessments with the goal to evaluate code performance and scaling, identifying the main sources of inefficiency and providing some insight and recommendation about how to improve it. POP3 also provides second level services that have been extended and include proof of concepts, energy efficiency and advisory studies.

The co-design will be covered in two dimensions. Internally in POP3 the study will co-design the tools and methodology to be able to analyse the applications on the selected platform at the selected scale. Externally, POP3 will identify best practices and kernels that will be offered to other European projects as well as the wide audience of parallel applications.


Contact email: pop@bsc.es


Coordinating Organization:
BSC Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

Project Timespan
2024-01-01 – 2027-12-31

Other Partners:
  • FZJ – Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
  • RWTH Aachen University, Germany
  • Teratec, France
  • Université de Versailles Saint Quentin, France
  • HLRS – High Performance Computing Center – Universität Stuttgart, Germany
  • IT4Innovations – VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia
  • INESC ID – Intituto de Engenhariade Sistemas e Computadores – Investigacao e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Portugal