The Centre of Excellence on Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP CoE) was initiated in October 2015. The current project, Performance Optimization and Productivity 3 (POP3), is articulated in 3 main pillars: services, users, and co-design. The key element to ensure efficient use of HPC infrastructures is to optimize the performance and efficiency of the applications. POP …
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The HPC SPECTRA project addresses two timely challenges of EuroHPC JU’s training strategy: developing an innovative EuroHPC Training Platform and co-organising the International HPC Summer School (IHPCSS) editions of 2024 and 2025. Through these actions, the project: provides an intuitive gateway to a comprehensive database of European HPC training activities; sustain the successful series of …
The amount of data gathered, shared and processed in frontier research is set to increase steeply in the coming decade, leading to unprecedented data processing, simulation and analysis needs. In particular, the research communities in High Energy Physics and Radio Astronomy are preparing to launch new instruments that require data and compute infrastructures several orders …
Quantum computers can spur the development of new breakthroughs in science and technology, tackling problems that today’s conventional computers cannot handle. The low number of qubits that hardware can support and the large number of required cables are preventing the technology from making a bigger market penetration. The EU-funded SPECTRUM project will develop technology to …
The project encourages collaboration, exchange of knowledge between HPC practitioners, expertise and best practices between Participating States and the mapping of skills and competences across Europe to support cohesion and a more consistent level of expertise across Europe. In this next phase of the project, the CASTIEL 2 project also takes on an additional role of …
EuroCC 2
EuroCC 2 goal is to identify and address the skills gaps in the European High Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem and coordinate cooperation across Europe to ensure a consistent skills base. The role of EuroCC 2 is to establish and run a network of more than 30 NCCs across the EuroHPC Participating States. The NCCs act as …
OpenSuperQplus aims at delivering systems and technology for quantum computers based on superconductors. It thus implements the roadmap of the strategic research agenda for the quantum technology flagship as detailed by the OpenSuperQplus framework partnership from which it emerges. It will deliver integrated demonstrators for research and user purposes, one of which will contain at …
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers are currently the most powerful quantum computers. Although they are not fault-tolerant, they have proved to be far more efficient than today’s more advanced supercomputers. However, fully error-corrected quantum computers would require millions of qubits to address real-world problems. The EIC-funded QUADRATURE project will rise to the million-qubit challenge by pioneering …
The EU-funded EXA4MIND project plans to build an extreme data platform that brings together data storage systems and powerful computing infrastructures. To this end, researchers will set up a unique, modular extreme data database and advanced analytics on supercomputers powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies should help unlock data collection from heterogeneous …
The complexity of the human brain poses a significant challenge to the investigation and hence understanding of the mechanisms governing its function and dysfunction. Digital twins are virtual models designed to reflect physical objects and offer an attractive approach for neuroscience research. The EU-funded eBRAIN-Health project will generate such virtual models of patients and healthy …