HiDALGO2 develops applications for simulations of the air quality in urban agglomerations, energy efficiency of buildings, renewable energy sources, wildfires, and meteo-hydrological forecasting. Climate change has long since been an undeniable phenomenon observed up close at many places on Earth. Climate change influences our everyday life, and thus has also an increasing impact on our …
Category Archives: On-going
BioExel-3 addresses life science, especially biomolecular research, drug development, and molecular dynamics, by using simulation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Life Science is turning into a data-driven and HPC dependent research field. BioTeam/Hyperion’s 2022 estimates show that 95% of Life Science projects are being dependent on HPC. The rapid response to Covid-19 showed how an …
ChEESE-2P covers earth science with a focus on earthquakes, seismic, tomography, tsunamis, magnetohydrodynamics, physical volcanology, geodynamics, and glacier hazards. The scientific ambition of ChEESE-2P is to prepare 11 community flagship codes to address 12 domain-specific Exascale Computational Challenges (ECC), enlarging the areas covered during the first implementation phase (computational seismology, magnetohydrodynamics, physical volcanology, and tsunamis) …
ESIWACE3 addresses efficient and scalable simulations for earth system modeling, weather, and climate prediction. This proposal shapes the next (third) phase of the ESiWACE Centre of Excellence. As the ability to run Earth system models at ~1km resolution efficiently on EuroHPC supercomputers has already been established in previous phases for specific model configurations, and as …
EXCELLERAT P2 contributes to engineering use cases, manufacturing, energy, and mobility, e.g., aircraft, rotors, emissions, aero-dynamics, and aero-acoustics. EXCELLERAT P2 continues the fruitful partnership of Europe’s leading HPC centres, application specialists and supporting partners who have worked with and offered their expertise and knowledge to engineering companies and researchers from across industry and academia for …
Plasma-PEPSC supports plasma science, focusing on magnetic confinement fusion, industrial plasmas, medical applications, basic plasma experiments, plasma accelerators, laser-plasma interactions, high energy density physics, astrophysics. Plasma science has been at the forefront of HPC for several decades, driving and at the same time benefiting greatly from innovative hardware and software developments. The overall goal of …
EUMaster4HPC is composed of European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial partners with the mission of defining a joint curriculum in HPC across Europe, defining the body of knowledge to master the HPC field and creating a collaborative network leveraging and strengthening the European ecosystem in HPC. EUMaster4HPC will develop a higher education programme to: Educate …
The European PILOT
The European PILOT project (Pilot using Independent, Local and Open Technologies) aims at showcasing an European accelerator, designed, implemented, manufactured, and owned by Europe and based on open source and open standards. Accelerators provide the majority of performance in modern HPC systems and are the fundamental building blocks for Exascale systems. The European PILOT project is an ambitious combination …
The project HPCQS aims to integrate two quantum simulators, each controlling about 100+ quantum bits (qubits) in two already existing supercomputers: the supercomputer Joliot Curie of GENCI, the French national HPC organisation, located in France; the JUWELS supercomputer of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), located in Germany. In doing so, HPCQS will become an incubator for quantum-HPC hybrid computing that …
EUPEX leverages the best of the assets developed in previous H2020 projects to design, build and validate the first HPC platform integrating the full spectrum of European HPC technologies, from architecture, processors and interconnect to system software. The EUPEX pilot system is: modular, thanks to the OpenSequana-compliant hardware platform and the matching HPC software ecosystem …