
High energy physics, radio astronomy, astroparticle physics, climate research, environmental monitoring, all are expected to significantly advance the state of the art of modelling and simulation. The EU-funded interTwin project will codesign and implement the prototype of an interdisciplinary digital twin engine. This open-source platform will provide generic and tailored software components for modelling and …


A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes (DT-GEO) is a European project that aims to analyse and forecast the impact of tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, and anthropogenic seismicity. The project relies on the cooperative networks of 26 research institutions, building upon existing knowledge from other European projects and Centres of Excellence and pushing it forward. To achieve its goals, DT-GEO will …


RISER will develop the first all-European RISC-V cloud server infrastructure, significantly enhancing Europe’s open strategic autonomy. RISER will leverage and validate open hardware high-speed interfaces combined with a fully-featured operating system environment and runtime system, enabling the integration of low-power components, including RISC-V processor chips from the EPI and EUPILOT projects, in a novel energy-efficient …


The push for European innovation and autonomy in computational infrastructure and chip design has led to many fruitful projects working to achieve this goal. Crucial among these is the EU Processor Initiative (EPI) that is working on the design and development of the first EU processor.  The EU-funded AERO project aims to complement the efforts …


EUMaster4HPC is composed of European universities, research/supercomputing centres and industrial partners with the mission of defining a joint curriculum in HPC across Europe, defining the body of knowledge to master the HPC field and creating a collaborative network leveraging and strengthening the European ecosystem in HPC. EUMaster4HPC will develop a higher education programme to: Educate …

The European PILOT

The European PILOT project (Pilot using Independent, Local and Open Technologies) aims at showcasing an European accelerator, designed, implemented, manufactured, and owned by Europe and based on open source and open standards. Accelerators provide the majority of performance in modern HPC systems and are the fundamental building blocks for Exascale systems. The European PILOT project is an ambitious combination …


The project HPCQS aims to integrate two quantum simulators, each controlling about 100+ quantum bits (qubits) in two already existing supercomputers: the supercomputer Joliot Curie of GENCI, the French national HPC organisation, located in France; the JUWELS supercomputer of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), located in Germany. In doing so, HPCQS will become an incubator for quantum-HPC hybrid computing that …