Handbook of European HPC projects

  • All (145)
  • On-going (39)
  • New projects (8)



Coordinating organization

Coordinating organization




Maestro will build a data-aware and memory-aware middleware framework that addresses ubiquitous problems of data movement in complex memory hierarchies

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MANGO project has been focused on designing and building a large-system prototype for efficient exploration of future HPC manycore architectures

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MaX – Materials design at the eXascale is a Centre of Excellence with focus on: driving the evolution and exascale

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MaX 2

MAterials design at the eXascale. European Centre of Excellence in materials modelling, simulations, and design

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MaX 3

MaX is centered around quantum simulations of materials and therefore contributes to information technology, green energy, health, supporting experimentation at

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Satellite design is becoming increasingly more complex. To address this challenge, the space sector is proactively seeking innovative methods and

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Mont-Blanc 3

Project Mont-Blanc is now in its third phase. All phases of the Mont-Blanc project share the vision of developing a

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MultiXscale focuses on Software development: performance, productivity, and portability with use cases on helicopter design and certification for civil transport,

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This website is supported by the HPC-GIG (High Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering) project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824151.